Ray Comfort on a TRUE Revival | Asbury Revival, Living Waters, Charles Spurgeon

Ray Comfort was asked about the Asbury Revival and gives an answer that should stir all believers to increase their focus on evangelism!
@raycomfortjustwitnessing @LivingWaters

Sermon referenced in episode on The Living Water's website:
Hell's Best Kept Secret

Episode Includes discussion on The Asubury Revival:
Non-stop Worship at Asbury University Discontinued in Hughes Auditorium.

The University of Asbury has had non-stop worship since Wednesday, February 8th. Many are referring to this as a revival. There is non-stop worship! There is non-stop prayer!
Is this a great move of God or is this not of God?
How should we think about what is going on right now at Asbury College?
Be sure to watch to find out!
[Update to the Asbury Revival]
Non-stop Worship Discontinued
Public Worship Discontinued after Monday 2/20/23.

Ray Comfort was asked about the Asbury Revival and gives an answer that should stir all believers to increase their focus on evangelism!

Sermon referenced in episode on The Living Water's website:

Hell's Best Kept Secret:


Episode Includes discussion on The Asubury Revival:

Non-stop Worship at Asbury University Discontinued in Hughes Auditorium. The University of Asbury has had non-stop worship since Wednesday, February 8th. Many are referring to this as a revival. There is non-stop worship! There is non-stop prayer! Is this a great move of God or is this not of God? How should we think about what is going on right now at Asbury College? Be sure to watch to find out! [Update to the Asbury Revival] Non-stop Worship Discontinued Public Worship Discontinued after Monday 2/20/23.

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