John MacArthur on Contemplative Prayer | Unbiblical Meditation, Mysticism, Occultic Practices

I discuss the dangers of unbiblical meditation. A sermon clip from a sermon I preached on James 3 is included, as well as a clip from John MacArthur at a Q&A.

I discuss the dangers of unbiblical meditation. A sermon clip from a sermon I preached on James 3 is included, as well as a clip from John MacArthur at a Q&A.

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John MacArthur on Growing in Christ - Part 2 (Never Stop Looking to Christ!)

John MacArthur gives advice during a Q & A session about growing in Christ. He explains why continually looking to Christ is vital for spiritual growth!

John MacArthur gives advice during a Q & A session about growing in Christ. He explains why continually looking to Christ is vital for spiritual growth!

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John MacArthur on Growing in Christ - Part 1 (You Must Immerse Yourself in Scripture!)

John MacArthur gives advice during a Q & A session about growing in Christ. He explains a helpful way to immerse yourself in Scripture for spiritual growth.

John MacArthur gives advice during a Q & A session about growing in Christ. He explains a helpful way to immerse yourself in Scripture for spiritual growth.

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What are the Benefits of Memorizing God's Word?

Would you like to memorize more Scripture this year? Do you want encouraged and motivated to dig deeper into God's Word and "store up God's Word in your heart" (Ps 119:11)? Watch this sermon from Psalm 119:11 and see the benefits of memorizing God's Word.

Would you like to memorize more Scripture this year? Do you want encouraged and motivated to dig deeper into God's Word and "store up God's Word in your heart" (Ps 119:11)? Watch this sermon from Psalm 119:11 and see the benefits of memorizing God's Word.

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