Roe v Wade Overturned: A Day to Rejoice!

Praise God for the overturning of Roe v Wade! It was determined that the decision in 1973 was unconstitutional. That means that the millions of lives of the unborn that were murdered all of these years should never have been able to be done lawfully. 

This is certainly a historic day! It is a day that upholds righteousness. It is a day that honors those created in the image of God. It is a day in which we should rejoice!

 However, it is also a day that demonstrates how much pro-abortionists have bought into Satan’s lies. It is a day in which much unrighteousness and hatred for God will be coming full force. Many will be shaking their fist at God as they violently protest and riot because of this decision.

Pray for people’s protection. Pray for pro-life pregnancy centers. Pray for churches and institutions that uphold biblical morality. Pray for the swift and complete abolition of abortion in states that are in a position to do so!

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